Hello readers,
Although Travel Alli is a travel blog, I feel inclined to speak up in light of recent events. As we know, the SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, June 24th, 2022. This decision is devastating to me, and if you’re feeling similarly, please know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
First off, there is no ‘pro-life.’ This is a euphemism invented by conservatives to mask their agenda to control women. There is only PRO-choice and ANTI-choice. I am PRO-choice because I believe that it is always better to have a choice than to not have a choice. When people do not have choices and are backed into corners, they become vulnerable and desperate. That is a position no one deserves to be in.
Additionally, at any point during pregnancy, there can be life-threatening complications. Sometimes the only solution to save the mother’s life is to terminate the pregnancy. However, in Florida, we’ve lost our right to an abortion after 24 weeks. Thus, if you have any pregnancy complications past that point, you must FLY to ANOTHER STATE to receive BASIC HEALTHCARE. A Florida woman would have to fly to New England or California to undergo a life-saving procedure.
Second, your religion is irrelevant to this issue. Really. It doesn’t matter if you are atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, or Christian; your religion has no place in the healthcare field. Healthcare is about using science to help people stay healthy.
Third, the ‘when does life begin?’ debate is irrelevant and distracts from the central issue. The deeply personal decision about whether or not to have a baby should be between a woman (or pregnant person) and their doctor.
Moreover, now is NOT the time to become complacent or joke about moving to another country. If you genuinely plan on moving, that’s great. But I would rather stay here, in my home country, and fight for my freedoms. There is work to be done, and here’s how you can help:
1) Contact your state representatives – Call, email, write letters, leave voicemails, etc. Demand that abortion remain legal in your state.
2) Donate to abortion funds – Some women cannot afford to travel to another state to receive healthcare. Donate to abortion funds to ensure that they have access to the life-saving care they need.
3) Raise awareness of these issues amongst family and friends.
4) Vote BLUE! The Democratic Party more closely resembles every other first-world nation’s politics than the Republican Party.
Lastly, I’m here for you. This is scary as hell, and if you need to talk, please don’t be afraid to reach out, even if we’ve never met. I acknowledge your fears and anxieties during this troubling time, and I’m here for you.
– Travel Alli
Such an articulate post about how many of us are feeling. Thanks for this!
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